How to Get Rid of Baby Hiccups

How to Get Rid of Baby Hiccups

How to get rid of baby hiccups

Today we'll walk through and learn how to get rid of baby hiccups.

First, we want to assure you there's nothing life-threatening about baby hiccups. Just like with adults, hiccups happen.

A baby's hiccups aren't an indicator that something is "wrong," but why do they seem to get hiccups so often? 

mom holding baby

Why do babies get hiccups?

Hiccups are an automatic reflex that occurs when the diaphragm spasms due to irritation.

When your baby's diaphragm muscles spasm, their vocal cords may snap shut, which causes the classic "hiccup" sound.

Hiccups are very common in newborns. Doctors aren't entirely sure why newborn hiccups are so common or what may trigger hiccups. They can assure you it's (usually) nothing to worry about.

What they do know is babies tend to suck in too much air (i.e., excess air) while they're feeding/eating.

Hiccups don't bother babies, and your little one can even get hiccups in the womb!

While hiccups are not usually a sign or symptom of anything serious, there is the chance it's a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

mom feeding baby

Baby hiccups and gastroesophageal reflux

Hiccups don't bother babies, but sometimes hiccups may be an indicator of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD can cause stomach acid to enter your baby's esophagus.

There are other symptoms associated with GERD. If your little one experiences multiple symptoms, it may be a sign of a more serious medical issue such as gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Common symptoms

  • Crying and irritability

  • Spitting up

  • Arching their back after feeding or during a feeding

  • Coughing

If you're unsure whether or not your baby is experiencing these symptoms, you can always seek professional medical advice.

hiccups seek medical advice

How to get rid of baby hiccups

Let's go over a few tips and tricks you can follow to prevent hiccups and even stop hiccups in their tracks. There's no expensive remedy for hiccups, so all of these can be done at home or with a bit of over-the-counter help.

Even though hiccups don't trouble babies, we understand if you want to help your little one. Let's look at our list of great at-home remedies!

Burp more often

Burp your baby after a feeding. This one's easy. You can gently pat your little one on the back after and during feeding. You can burp them between switching sides or after every two to three ounces of milk or formula.

Burping is a great way to help prevent hiccups. It's a simple solution that helps many babies. Most babies also enjoy the act of burping. The gentle pats are soothing and give them a break during their feeding.

If you have more questions or want to read more about burping your baby, be sure to check out When Should I Stop Burping My Baby.

Encourage a pacifier

Give your baby's mouth something to do by encouraging a pacifier! A binky can sometimes stop the onset of hiccups.

The sucking motion can relax the muscles around the diaphragm and release tension.

If your baby needs new pacifiers, we have a few great options at Duchess and Fox.

Try gripe water

Gripe water is an over-the-counter liquid that may help with your little one's hiccuping problem.

It's a standard treatment method for a baby's stomach issues and is also excellent for other tummy troubles, so it's a great tool to have on hand when needed.

Change feeding positions

If your baby's hiccups during feeding, it's time to switch up the feeding position. Try placing your baby in an upright position.

Keeping your baby upright may reduce their chance of hiccups!


Help them relax

Helping your baby relax is an incredible idea. If your baby is upset, angry, aggravated, or tense, these may cause a case of hiccups. Helping your little one calm down may help prevent or stop the hiccups.

Ideas to help your little one relax:

  • Give them a warm, gentle, and calming bath

  • Sway gently to soothe their nervous system

  • Place them in a baby swing with calm, consistent movement

  • Check to make sure they have a clean diaper

  • Make sure they're warm and cozy

  • Give them a baby massage

  • Sing them a lullaby or calming song

Let the hiccups occur and run their course

Newborn hiccups will resolve themselves with time. So if you don't mind listening to your little one hiccup away, just let them run their course.

There's no harm in letting hiccups run their course. You can check to ensure your little one is comfortable and not aggravated. If they appear tense or irritated, you can use one of the relaxing methods above to help them find more comfort and relaxation.

Is it safe to let hiccups run their course?

Yes, if you see no signs or other symptoms, such as those common with gastroesophageal reflux, then it's safe to allow your baby's hiccups to stop on their own.

Hiccups don't generally bother your little one. They may even hiccup in their sleep and not wake up because their little bodies just aren't bothered by it.

If you worry about your little one's hiccups, you can watch and observe them until their hiccups stop. Then you can sleep easy knowing your little one is safe.

happy baby playing with toy

Recap on how to get rid of baby hiccups

There are a handful of easy at-home remedies you can try with your baby.

These simple approaches to solving baby hiccups are easy to follow.

A great one to start with is burping more often. This may reduce or even stop hiccuping while babies are feeding. Next, you can move on to one of the other remedies, such as changing feeding positions, helping them relax, using a pacifier, or trying out gripe water.

There is no "best" way to help your baby when it comes to stopping hiccups. If you find something that works best for your baby, go for it!

You're doing a great job.

Duchess and Fox

We love helping you take care of your little ones at Duchess and Fox. If you're in the market for a new pacifier set to help get rid of those baby hiccups, we have the perfect gift for you.

Our D&F Silicone Pacifiers are made to last, and your little one will love them. They're easy to grasp and easy to place in the mouth. The pacifiers are available in two gorgeous colors, pink and sage.


The pacifiers pair perfectly with a Braided Pacifier Clip. The pacifier clips come in thirteen different colors. You never have to lose your pacifier again! Simply search for the braided clip, and you'll spot your baby's pacifier quickly.


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